A Partnership for the Ocean
At IRISgo® we are proud to partner with #tide®. Together we are working to reduce the impact of plastic pollution and promote the circular economy of plastics.
#tide® is a company that has declared war on marine plastic: it collects plastic from coasts and islands. Together we are committed to freeing the oceans from plastic.
By 2025, we have set ourselves the goal of collecting 1 million plastic bottles from beaches, coasts and the sea together with you and #tide®. An ambitious goal, but necessary to protect our environment and raise awareness of the plastic crisis.
Impacts on the Environment
The environmental impacts caused by plastic pollution are significant and have serious consequences for nature and people. Our partnership with #tide® aims to reduce this pollution. By collecting plastic waste, we protect beaches, coasts, oceans and wildlife from further pollution.
Plastic Consumption with Responsibility
#tide® increases responsible plastic consumption by promoting the circular economy of plastics. Upcycling plastics reduces the consumption of new plastic and petroleum, closing the loop on plastic production. This transforms the problem of plastic pollution into a solution and adds value to waste.
Social Commitment
Working with #tide® not only has a positive impact on the environment, but also on the local population. By creating jobs with fair conditions, social benefits and healthcare, #tide® helps promote equal opportunities and social cohesion. This not only removes waste, but also contributes to improving the living conditions of the community.